Aeternys I think we just need to learn how to fly so we can avoid the evilnezz of the tanks. >.> They are plotting against mages. O_O Maybe we should reconsider healing them. :3 /evil giggle and kittytail goes poof
>: }
Yes I felt the same way. XD Hopefully we can do better then the poor example on there. It made the gameplay look pretty messy compared to what I remember from P2. ^-^; Made me remember FFXI when my LS went up the huge mountain to kill a huge dragon. There was 18 of us and the dragon had all cone AOE attacks. The tank we had was a newer guy and no matter how much we yelled at him the tank would not stop zooming back and forth and getting everyone coned to death. -.- He was unable to grasp the concept of what a cone attack was and said we would just get hit anyway…. I stood there with whm against a big wall and spammed healed him until I got hate every time it looked away from the wall.
Whm tank ftw…. I died when it so much as poked me with it's toe… but it saved everyone a few times…. Didn't go with that tank again. XD I lost 2 levels during that… almost 200k xp or back then…. 20 hours of my time. -_- Perhaps the tank in this video is the same guy. O_O Sure looked like it. XD Been a long time since I saw a tank that knew what they were doing. T_T
Hmm, I'm thinking monk to start out with. Since the re-design of monk it seems really interesting with the combos while switching styles, if done well. I usually have a hard time deciding what to play, I enjoy playing tanks healers or dps. It usually ends up being what nobody wants to play or what we need. If I do stay with monk I promise to always take aggro and stand in the fire whenever possible, I wouldn't want any of the healers to get bored. :P
^ Monk seems so cool C:, def looking forward to it. Think our guild now has a good mixture of everything so play something fun!
I'm looking forward to being a bard. Hybrid classes are great, no one has any expectations for you. Huheuheuhue. I BETTER NOT SEE ME HEALING MORE THAN OLIVIA. jk <3
looking like I'll be switching my job interest over to Dragoon at least for now. Probably going to look to max some of the base classes too just for variety and for future class releases!
Love mage archetypes but this mage is retiring his robes I think lol
Warriors because i think their armor sets look cool lol and not only that. Wearing heavy armor makes them look overpower and intimidating lol I'm a big fan of armor and the way they are presented in video games. mmm shoulder pads. Along with wielding a giant 2 hand axe…sexy. A true symbol of heroism and might.
Noctura Members replied
610 weeks ago