Aeternys Admin replied

611 weeks ago

Hey guys just posting this up to ask the questions…

What job will you be focusing on for FF14 and of course why!?

Fun little question for everybody and answers might change after more info is released post E3 and the next beta phase but let's get your answers!

Aeternys Admin replied

611 weeks ago

As for my current answer…

Summoner is what I'm leaning towards for my focus right now. The Warlock was my 1st class in WoW but I never ended up maining one or even leveling it to end game for that matter and I always regretted that. Love badass pets, epic debuff curses, and dark magickssssss lol seems like summoner is going this route but we will see! I'll be back here to decide for sure after the next beta phase and E3. That will almost certainly be my final answer.

keenjeld Members replied

610 weeks ago

I think i'm going to focus on White Mage. I have always loved being a support class. I was a Bard in FFXI and enjoyed it a lot. Plus you seem to be needed a lot as well. It's nice to be needed. LOL

Louhfu Admin replied

610 weeks ago

Tank all the way. DPS just isn't my thing.. league of legends is a shining example of why I should never dps. I just want to get suited up and stand there and be like can't kill me I can stand here all day. ^_^

keenjeld Members replied

610 weeks ago

Haha.. Sounds good to me.. when tank knows how to do their job it makes my job so much more easier!

Louhfu Admin replied

610 weeks ago

Brace yourself for full room pulls :)

keenjeld Members replied

610 weeks ago

ACK!!!!! LOL

Noctura Members replied

610 weeks ago

Summoner. <.< I want to be summoner. :D Yay carby.

Full room pulls… well go for it as long as we don't end up like that group that was fighting ifrit in that video. XD I wanted to take my miqo'te tail and strangle him with it because he kept running around it circles and it looked messy, and pretty stupid in battle. -_- Those people acted like they never played an mmo before. XD It was sad. Run in circles, jump spam! Press 1234 repeat… gah… I can't stand it when the tank moves the mob all over creation. X_x

Aeternys Admin replied

610 weeks ago

hahah Noctura I totally felt the same way! I was like "WHY IS THE TANK RUNNING IFRIT ALL OVER THE CASTERS?!?!?" and of course "WHY ARE THEY STANDING IN THE FIRE?!?!" and also "KILL THE SPIKE KILL THE SPIKE!!! WHY ARENT THEY KILLING THE SPIKE?!?!!"

haha oh jeeze.. brought me back to my hardcore raiding days in WoW >.<

Louhfu Admin replied

610 weeks ago

So what your telling me is first I need to run Ifrit to Noctura then over to Aeternys? :)
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