My name is Noctura Nyx. I am a nocturnal kitty that loves questing by moonlight, nomming tasty sushi :3, and sipping black tea. I love exciting adventures, exploring unknown lands, catching fish, and having fun. \^-^/
I spent around 10 years adventuring in Vana'diel, and Final Fantasy XI is my favorite game world. ^-^ I was sad to leave, and lost interest in playing shortly after Abyssea was released. I hope to be able to have a lot of fun in this new world.
I seek epic battles, and to discover lots of shiny things *-*, make new friends and experience mass deaths deserving of screenshots. o.o I also think that we should all get free cookies. 9.9 Muahaha! I have a strong interest in Arcanist/Summoner, and will be trying it out at launch. I also have my eye on Black mage.
I game with my husband, Lenus and my friend, Bloodbought. We are all excited about ARR. Lenus and I bought the collectors edition for FFXIV when it first launched. We were in 1.0 beta and played a bit, but left shortly after launch. I really hope it does well this time, and I think 2.0 is a lot of fun so far. :D I look forward to meeting you all on Leviathan, and seeing everyone in Eorzea soon. :3
Noctura Members replied
610 weeks ago