Noctura Members replied

610 weeks ago

FFXIV 2.0 - A Realm Reborn

Since the game has not been released yet, there is not as much lore/story information as there is for 1.0. ^-^ I believe this is most of what is available right now. I will update it as more information becomes available.

Comprised of Aldenard, the westernmost of the Three Great Continents, and its surrounding islands, the realm of Eorzea has been the cradle of several unique civilizations throughout history. Towering mountains dominate the north, their peaks forever lashed with icy winds; to the south, a bleak expanse of unforgiving desert holds sway.

Yet these inhospitable lands hold irresistible lure for man and monster alike, for wide and deep flow the currents of aether, and rich are the veins of power-infused crystal.
In this harsh though vibrant region, the people of Eorzea have carved out their histories—a cycle of prosperous Astral and disastrous Umbral eras.

The First Umbral Era brought an end to the age of the gods, and there have been six such eras of calamity since the First Astral Era ushered in the age of man.
Each of the Umbral catastrophes has, in turn, borne the characteristics of one of the six elements. With all the elements now represented, it was believed the current Astral era would last into eternity.

But in the seventh verse of the Divine Chronicles, Mezaya Thousand Eyes prophesized a less fortunate fate. The "senary sun," or Sixth Astral Era, would indeed end, and the "septenary moon," or Seventh Umbral Era, would cast its shadow upon the land.

The unleashing of Bahamut has destroyed much of the land, and numerous other dark times are signaled. The A Realm Reborn relaunch will take place in this Seventh Umbral era.
Three major city states still exist within Eorzea; the bustling commercial hub of Ul'dah, the forest nation of Gridania, and the marine city-state of Limsa Lominsa. Each state hosts a Grand Company - economic and military organizations tasked with defending the land. Adventures join these organizations to further their goals and ambitions, while at the same time helping keep the peace over Eorzea.
Eorzea's main enemies consist of the Beastmen races and the Garlean Empire. Beastmen are a group of intelligent but monstrous clans, whose ideals and objectives clash with the humanoid races, while the Garlean Empire are a magically weak but technologically advanced nation of Hyuran's, hailing from outside of Eorzea. They seek to conquer the land and its Aether, which powers their Magitek Armor.

Since time immemorial, this verdant planet has seen the births of lives uncounted.
But the land now bears grievous scars, and threatens to slip into a gaping maw of death and darkness.
You who would bring the light of hope to Hydaelyn…
You who would heed the whisperings of the aetheryte, and take up the mantle of "adventurer."

This is your journey—a new tale to echo down the ages.

Noctura Members replied

610 weeks ago


Fifteen years before the events of the game, metal-clad warriors invaded Eorzea with flame-spewing weapons and colossal airships. The army came from the Garlean Empire, and it didn't take long before the mightiest of the six city-states, Ala Mhigo, fell under their force. The other city-states united their power to defend themselves, but just as fast as it had arrived, the imperial army was gone. A new era began at Eorzea, known as the "Age of Calm", which the city-states spent by building up their defenses and training their armies.

Before, the cities had hired mercenaries for their inner wars, but now they trusted only professional soldiers, leaving the sellswords unemployed and restless. To keep them from causing harm and steer their energy into helping others instead, the city-states founded a network of adventuring guilds.
The life of an adventurer is the pursuit of fortune and the pursuit of fame. It is the devotion of oneself to seeking out danger and glory wherever they might lie. It is an endless quest taken up only by the most intrepid and dauntless of souls.

The term came into popular use among the people of Eorzea little more than a decade ago. Left idle by the onset of the Age of Calm, a leading mercenary officer gathered to his side a number of trusted companions, and together they formed a guild dedicated to the common cause of aiding the realm at large.

Outside the modest station of their humble beginnings, a simple sign hung for all to see―Adventurers' Guild.

The Adventurers' Guild has since spread, and can now be found in each of the realm's great nations. It is here that Eorzeans come with their myriad pleas and requests, and here that adventurers heed the call, whether it be the slaying of some foul beast plaguing the countryside, or the crafting of fine wares demanding a master's touch.

What greatness lies in store for you, adventurer?
If anything in the lore section is incorrect let me know, and feel free to help add anything I forgot or was unable to find. ^-^ I hope you enjoyed learning about FFXIV. See you on Leviathan. <3


Aeternys Admin replied

610 weeks ago

Thanks Noctura that's a ton of info for a FF novice like me to learn and understand! Excited to delve into the world and then kill everything in it :D

oh and A+ for story telling

Noctura Members replied

610 weeks ago

:D Happy to be helpful. I hope you enjoy reading it. ^-^ You can watch the epic bahamut video after to live the final part. o_o I should link that in the post. Update: Added to the video section in part 2. :D
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